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Boilers made of sun

What have you likely heard of? Attack is one of Europe’s leading specialist manufacturers of solid fuel and biomass-fired boilers based in Slovakia. Since its founding back in 1995, the company has put together a modern manufacturing facility, counting for state of the art technologies, such as robotized welding, laser cutting, metal sheet bending and drawing or powder coating workstations.

PV powers boiler manufacturing

But what haven’t you likely heard of? The company also installed a photovoltaic powerplant onto its production halls rooftops. This 200 kW solar array provides enough electricity to power entire technologies while manufacturing the boilers. Not only solar but also biomass, they are both nowadays considered as renewable energy sources.

Production hall of Attack with boilers.


Production hall of Attack with boilers.

However, what is even more interesting and unique, Attack uses one renewable energy source, sun, to manufacture and bring a product into market, which is to use another renewable energy source, wood or wood pellets. The above technology solution not only puts the company ahead many of its peers but clearly underlines its approach towards sustainability.

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Strong focus on solar self-consumption

Attack has used the solar array, since late 2012. Not only it has benefited from FIT but also from Green Bonus. In other words, the company has benefited either from energy being supplied into the grid and energy being used inhouse.

The original idea behind the installation itself was to use most of the energy for self-consumption while supplying the surplus into the grid, for example during weekends. (hcn)

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