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The world’s first solar-powered IoT workstation

The idea behind the project was to make it easier for students and other people in remote areas or other places where power supply and internet connections are not always a given to get engaged in their community or the wider online world without having to worry about power and access to the internet.

The workstation was built with a novel concept and is powered completely by solar energy. It provides six fixed chairs and two workspaces for people in wheelchairs, facilitating access for disabled people as well.

See also:
IEA: Renewables as winners

Students who want to use this workstation, have to reserve the date and time in advance over the internet. Upon the confirmation of a booking, space will be allocated for the reserved user and it will be turned on only for the reserved period of time. The system is not limited to schools alone, but other organizations communities, etc. can also use it. (mfo)