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My vision:

Franz-Josef Feilmeier of Fenecon: Do not think small - 100 per cent renewables

Quite explicitly, we do not stop at the typical 70 per cent that can be achieved in self-consumption with a photovoltaic-storage unit combination - because this focus is actually a hindrance in the energy system in case of doubt.

We see it as our function to ensure that all our hardware and software solutions lead towards this goal and still have their raison d'être in the 100 per cent world.

Renewable energies have already won

Renewable energies have actually already won: We are better in all respects - and now also significantly more cost-effective than all fossil-nuclear alternatives. In this respect, the rest of the energy transition now only needs to be implemented - which will of course be accompanied by preservationist struggles by the losers of this development. But the industry will certainly not let that stop it.

It's important that we don't think in small terms, but keep our focus on the big goal of a 100 per cent energy transition. This means that we build and use platforms for energy management and system integration.

Have a look at this video from our pv Guided Tour at Fenecon:

Closed, proprietary approaches would be wrong here. We support openness as a promoter of Open EMS, as well as with our modular hardware platforms.

Reduce bureaucracy and hurdles

Actually, all we need is freedom from bureaucracy and the removal of artificial hurdles. The smart meter, for example, should take on the central role that it makes possible and for which reason we will (almost) all get it: Electricity feed-in and electricity consumption must reflect the respective value of the electricity at that point in time.

This promotes intelligent energy management and sector coupling, and is also more cost-effective for the national economy. The EEG levy on self-consumption must be abolished, as must tendering requirements or actually self-consumption bans. This would already work in a purely market-based system. For the ambitious expansion path, I recommend a small market premium that is granted in addition to the marketing revenues. (mfo)


Franz-Josef Feilmeier is Managing Director of Fenecon in Deggendorf.