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System planning:

SMA and Trace Software link their planning tools

This is made possible by linking the online planning tools Sunny Design from SMA Solar Technology AG and Archelios Pro from Trace Software. The new interface eliminates the need for constant data entry, reduces the planning effort and simplifies the independent profitability check. Sunny Design, allows planners to design the PV system - including the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles - and Archelios Pro has diverse options for energy simulation of the entire system.

How does the linking of these applications benefit system planners?

Sunny Design Pro allows system planners to incorporate grid-connected, off-grid and PV-hybrid systems in their designs as well as energy systems with integrated energy. This also includes the planning of the layout and dimensions for systems with battery inverters, charging stations and energy management. In addition, Sunny Design Pro makes it possible to flexibly manage purchasing and feed-in tariffs, create consumption and load profile analyses and simulate the use of battery storage systems, including in peak load shaving applications. The accurate modelling of scenarios involving objects such as trees, dormers, smokestacks or multiple buildings is also possible, allowing so as to simulate and evaluate module shading in the very early stages of a project.

See also: Leaders of our industry: Jürgen Reinert of SMA

Once the solar project (with or without 3D design) has been imported to Trace Software’s Archelios Pro simulation software, the next step is an analysis of the strings wiring as well as a detailed simulation of generation/losses and self-consumption. At the end, editing Pdf or csv study reports, generating Kml or Dxf plans and finishing the electrical design in Archelios Calc are the last steps. (mfo)