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Longi awarded for its ESG performance

EcoVadis is a global rating platform that specializes in assessing companies' environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. The platform is based on leading corporate social responsibility standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), ISO 26000 standards, and in accordance with the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) sustainability management logic, a comprehensive assessment of the three dimensions of corporate policies, actions and results. The ability to win medals can reflect the efforts and achievements of enterprises in promoting sustainable development strategies, implementing effective actions, and achieving significant results.

Longi detailed its sustainable development strategy and commitments in its latest 2023 Climate Action White Paper. The company has not only joined climate initiatives such as RE100, EP100, EV100, and SBTi but also proposed the "Solar for Solar" sustainable concept, aiming to produce solar products with solar energy, achieving self-sufficiency and carbon neutrality in the production process. In addition, Longi actively promotes the construction of "Zero Carbon Factory", significantly reducing carbon emissions in the production process through the use of renewable energy, energy-saving measures, and tail gas recovery.

Also see our interview with Longi: „Several global conflicts could impact supply chains for PV“

Longii recently also has been certified as a Future-Fit Engaged Business by the Future-Fit Foundation, a UK non-profit dedicated to promoting and stewarding the “Future-Fit Business Benchmark” for advancing sustainable business practices. (hcn)