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Energy Decentral awards prizes for innovative solutions in agricultural operations

The Energy Decentral trade fair focuses on solutions for the self-sufficiency of agricultural enterprises in terms of photovoltaic systems and electricity storage, among other things. It will take place from 9 to 12 February 2021 as part of Euro Tier in Hanover. In addition to a lavish supporting program, the trade fair organizer will once again this year award prizes for outstanding innovations in the supply of farms with self-produced green electricity.

Winners attract media attention

Companies can still apply for the coveted innovation prize until September 30, 2020. All exhibitors at Energy Decentral can apply. In addition to a silver or gold medal with which the winners can decorate their solution, the prize is also a central presentation of the solution in the run-up to the trade fair. "A short promotional video with a text explaining the reasons for the award also beckons," says Marcus Vagt, Energy Decentral project manager at the German Agricultural Society (DLG). "Of course there will be a separate novelty magazine and in addition, trade media will report specifically on the innovative products. In fact, there should also be an increase in visitor traffic at the exhibition stand," he promises the winners.

Extensive information program planned

The specific evaluation criteria and application forms for the Innovation Award can be found on the Energy Decentral website. There you will also find a detailed description of the extensive supporting program, which will enable exhibitors to present their expertise in the field of in-house power supply for agricultural enterprises. This includes, among other things, a DLG special edition where visitors will find modern technologies ranging from power generation, control and storage to the use of solar power in agriculture, among other things. In addition, experts from the DLG's specialist committees and exhibitors will give 45-minute presentations on the challenges and solutions for the self-energy supply of farms with biogas, solid fuels, combined heat and power plants, wind and photovoltaic systems, also in combination with storage technology. (mfo)