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Successful Implementation of the 24 MW Solar Garden in Canada With Module Trackers from Deger

The most special of this project is that the Solar Gardens are in 36 different locations in the Canadian province of Ontario, all together with the sensor-controlled tracking systems of Deger. The number of installed systems in each solar park varied from 30 to 60 trackers.

The sensor-controlled tracking systems of DEGERenergie are optimally equipped for Canadian weather. Unique to these systems are the advantages in cloudy and snowy conditions. When the amount of cloud cover is high, solar modules can achieve the highest yield in horizontal position, and snow is handled in a way that is specific to tracking solar installations.

Snow and ice slide down

In contrast to fix systems, each DEGERtracker has a snow sensor that continuously measures the snow accumulation. When snow covers the solar modules, the DEGERtracker will be moved to the maximum vertical position so that snow and ice slide down. After the modules are freed from snow, the MLD sensor (Maximum Light detection) moves the tracker back into the most advantageous position. Because of the sensor, the tracking systems in the Solar Gardens in Canada will achieve a higher yield even in the winter months. (HS)