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Efficiency ranking: Top positions for BYD Battery-Box and inverter partners

For the fifth consecutive time the Battery-Box system by BYD has been ranked among the most efficient energy storage systems in the evaluation by Berlin-based HTW (Berliner Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft). Together with inverter partners such as Fronius, Kaco, Kostal, etc. the Battery-Box system could secure 5 of the 6 top positions in the ranking and once more was the only system to be able to secure top positions in the ranking for both 5kWp and 10kWp systems. The HTW evaluation also demonstrated that all-in-one systems with integrated inverters cannot reach the efficiency of a well harmonized combination of top-quality inverters with a top energy storage system.

Third-party guidance for system choices

“We are very pleased to see that our continuous system improvements have kept the Battery-Box system at the top of the efficiency ranking lists for five years, positioning itself as »THE Battery«” said Julia Chen, Global Director, BYD Battery-Box. “Evaluations such as the SPI index of HTW do not only deliver a very good third-party guidance for system choices, they also deliver insights into general development trends. Our Battery-Box system is designed to deliver a very high efficiency and reliability.

Another key factor in the design is maximum versatility and flexibility to cover a wide variety of application scenarios. One factor making this possible is the option to choose the best suited high-quality inverter from our trusted partners for each application case as the Battery-Box provides tested compatibility to leading brands. The evaluations clearly show that all-in-one systems can still not keep up with the efficiency achieved with such a well-suited systems combination”.

“The Battery”

With now more than 250.000 systems installed in more than 90 countries the BYD Battery-Box series has proven itself as THE go to solution for a very wide range of application scenarios. This is partly due to BYD’s very-longstanding expertise with batteries for both EV and energy storage. BYD is also one of very few companies producing all components of the system from the mining of raw materials, the development and production of battery cells, batteries, battery packs and battery management systems, to delivery. This way the quality of the system, including factors such as high-efficiency, reliability, and safety can be ensured.

Did you miss that? More than 100,000 BYD Battery-Boxes sold in Europe in 2021

Another reason for the versatility of the system is the choice to focus on the energy storage and to ensure compatibility with high quality inverter partners. While all-in-one systems normally focus on just limited applications, system combinations – such as BYD Battery-Box and partner inverters – offer customers the choice to tailor the system to their individual needs.

System Performance Index (SPI)

The evaluation is based on the System Performance Index (SPI), developed at HTW Berlin, which investigates the general system efficiency, taking into account factors like different energy conversion pathways, dynamic control losses and settling times. Overall, the 2022 test confirmed a visible efficiency improvement. “While only 2 systems achieved the highest efficiency class A in 2020, this year there were already 6 devices.

A further 8 very efficient AC and DC-coupled systems achieved efficiency class B. However, the evaluation results also show large differences in efficiency. The total losses of the system in efficiency class F are more than twice as high compared to the frontrunners”, the official statement by HTW summarized the survey results. (hcn)

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