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Italy introduces tax deduction for residential PV-systems

In order to fully make use of the benefits of this policy, Italian installers will have to develop their competences and expertise dealing with further technologies related to PV-systems. This will lead to a growth in installations of fully integrated energy systems. 

The Italian government launched the EUR 55 bn fiscal stimulus program “Decreto Rilancio” in order to support the Italian economy through the negative downturn caused by the lockdown in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. The renewable energy sector plays a strategic role, both for the energy transition and for the economic recovery.

Buidling insulations projects or substitution of heating systems

Therefore, the fiscal program includes a revision of the tax incentive scheme at the basis of the so-called “Ecobonus”:
-  the tax deduction for refurbishment projects was increased from 65% to 110%
-  the tax deduction for the installation of PV- and storage systems related to such renovations was increased from 50% to 110%.
Photovoltaic systems, which will be realized in connection to building insulation projects or to the substitution of heating systems, will benefit from the 110% tax deduction; alternatively they will benefit from the previous 50% tax deduction.

© Global PV Installer Monitor 2019/2020 by EUPD Research

According to the results of the latest Global PV InstallerMonitor 2019/2020, 38% of the surveyed Italian installers offer heating solutions in addition to photovoltaics. This means that they would possess the technical skills to fully benefit from the Ecobonus. The Global PV InstallerMonitor 2019/2020  is an annual study reflecting the view of about 1,100 PV-installers (101 in Italy) across nine countries conducted by the market and economic research company EUPD Research. 

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Residential PV segment dominating

This incentive scheme targets the residential segment, which contributes to about two thirds of the total annual PV installations in the Italian solar market. Despite the critical drop, which was expected to hit the PV market demand, according to the results of the first four waves of the Solar and Storage Business Climate Index (SSBCI) - a survey carried out by Joint Forces for Solar and EuPD Research - market stakeholders are reconsidering their expectations toward a more favorable scenario for the Italian solar market. 

© Solar and Storage Business Climate Index by EUPD Research and JF4S

The impact of COVID-19 is making it harder for solar companies to secure enough projects; in fact the Italian solar market is expected to stagnate in 2020. Nevertheless, the Ecobonus is a solid leverage, which can restore confidence in the market. If they want to succeed, installers will have to gain the expertise required to deal with the whole spectrum of solutions related to PV systems, including heating systems, storage systems and e-mobility. This might translate into a long-term competitive advantage, which will yield its benefits for a longer period than the duration of the policy program. (HCN)