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BYD’s HV Battery-Box achieved top ranking in energy storage test

Battery manufacturer BYD has been ranked as the most efficient energy storage system in the latest test by Technical University Berlin (HTW). The survey “Stromspeicher Inspektion 2018” compared 60 data sheets of the most active providers in the German market and then tested 20 systems of providers who have a combined market share of more than 50 percent in Germany. The focus of the survey was the analysis of information on storage capacity and efficiency. The test is aimed at providing more transparency and comparable data to help installers and consumers to choose the most suitable solution based on reliable and proven facts.

20 systems were finally entered into the final research phase. The focus of the survey was the analysis of information on storage capacity and efficiency. The efficiency of the PV storage systems was also evaluated with the System Performance Index (SPI). Among the top 15 solution combinations of energy storage systems and inverters the BYD Battery-Box HV was listed four times in total as the most efficient solution combination in the whole survey. (nhp)

EFT-Systems offers the modular and easy to install Battery-Box of BYD. The video from our pv Guided Tours at The smarter E Europe 2018 in Munich explains the applications and advantages.

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