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Pilot plant with reflector generates 16 per cent more electricity

After the first year, a reference system in southwest Germany delivered more kilowatt hours than expected. "Contrary to the original forecast of 14 per cent, an increase in yield of more than 16.7 per cent was achieved in 2019," says CEO Klaus Scholl from Plusampere. To reflect the incoming solar radiation onto the modules, reflectors are installed between the modules. Retrofitting can be carried out very quickly and without the need to invest in additional space. The solution becomes significantly cheaper, says Scholl, if the reflector system is installed at the same time as the new installation. Then only one common substructure for modules and reflectors is required. The cost advantage thus considerably shortens the amortisation period.

Following the successful completion of the pilot phase, Plusampere is currently expanding its national and international sales activities and contacts. According to this, the company intends to increasingly go into southern European markets such as Italy and Spain, as the direct solar radiation is much higher there than in Germany. (mfo)