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Smappee smart energy monitor now includes electricity, gas and water

As well as monitoring electricity consumption, users will be able to see how much natural gas and water they use. This insight into consumption can lead to savings of 10 percent or more for an average household. This means the gas and water monitor actually pays for itself within a year. Smappee gives users the tools to take the next step in the energy transition.

Smappee is providing real-time readings of electricity use, down to individual appliances. Moreover, the monitor shows the yield of your solar panels, enabling users to align use to solar energy production. Studies show that consumers can reduce their energy consumption by 12 percent if they have real-time feedback on individual appliances. Savings can reach up to 30 percent if they replace old appliances with new, energy-efficient models.

The Smappee gas and water monitor enables significant savings in natural gas and water consumption. An average Belgian family pays almost twice as much for natural gas and water as they do for electricity, so the potential for savings is great. The gas and water monitor will cost 119 euro including VAT. Based on an average bill of 600 Euro for water and 1,200 Euro for natural gas, the gas and water monitor will pay for itself in just over six months.