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Solarworld achieved high score at survey

The current survey "US PV Installer Monitor 2015/2016" shows: 36 percent of the surveyed PV installers claim they installed modules from the German brand Solarworld in 2015. The brand is also the most-known PV manufacturer in the USA. 39 percent of the survey participants were able to spontaneously mention the brand. Canadian Solar follows as a very close second. In addition to this, Solarworld is also likely to be recommended by the US installers, as the manufacturer achieved the second highest Net Promoter Score - only behind Winaico and ahead of REC. The US installers state that quality is the most important factor when recommending a brand.

The American thin-film module manufacturer First Solar benefits from a very high exclusiveness in the installers' portfolios. 60 percent of the installers, who carry the brand in their portfolio, don't offer any other brands to their customers. In comparison, US installers offer more variety in regards to inverters. Rarely do installers only offer a single brand in their portfolio.

EuPD Research reached a total number of 302 interviews with installers from 42 US states and Washington D.C. Apart from market penetration and brand management , the surveyed topics are procurement management, company concerns as well as storage solutions.