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Tomorrow on Solar Saturday Club: 6 tips for choosing the right solar panels

Dear solar costumers and installers throughout Europe: Our experts provide useful tips on financing, installing and optimizing of solar energy – where ever you are. At 4 p.m. on Saturdays you get the latest edition on our website. Any questions, any wishes? Please, let us know!

Coming next Saturday: 6 tips for choosing the right solar panels

Those topics have already been published:

9 tips on the right way to use solar energy in newly built homes

10 tips to use your solar electricity most effectively

9 tips to secure your PV investment against lightning and hail

8 tips for electric mobility – this is how you switch!

6 business tips to save money by using PV in your company!

12 useful tips how to secure your PV investment

8 expert tips for solar energy storage every home builder should know about

7 tips: Cleaning solar panels is a job for professionals - do it, but do it the right way!